Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A new year of reading

Welcome to A Year in Pages, a blog documenting my reading experiences in 2009. I read a lot, and work with words every day in role as a writer, editor and publisher for my business, FlapJack Custom Publishing.
A couple of years ago, I read about the 50 Book Challenge – reading a book almost every week for a year – and decided to give it a go. In 2008, I fell just short of the goal at 44 books (although a huge improvement on my total of 28 in 2007), so have decided to try again in 2009 - and write about the books I read along the way.
There are few rules for my challenge - both fiction and non-fiction books are eligible. As I don't often buy new books - we're already out of bookshelf space - a lot of my books come from my local library, so a fair few older ones sneak onto the list. And because I constantly looking for new insights to grow my business, there will be a smattering of business books along the way. My only real rule is that the books have to be chosen organically, depending on what I am thinking, interested in learning, or just feel like reading at the time. And no book can be excluded because it looks too long (Lionel Shriver's The Post-birthday World, at around 520 pages, is currently sitting in my 'ready to read' pile - so we'll see how quickly I can get through that).
So that's all really - I'll read, and update this blog as I finish each one.
Your comments, recommendations, and your own experiences with reading - goal-oriented or otherwise - are welcome.
Happy reading.


  1. Your blog is lovely Freya! You are inspiring me to read more. I'm going to put you on my "Bloglovin'" feed so I never miss an update!

    R xoxo
