Sunday, July 5, 2009

#22. Breakdown, Breakthrough – The Professional Woman's Guide to Claiming a Life of Passion, Power and Purpose: Kathy Caprino

I didn't really read this book out of choice – it is research for a ghostwriting project I am working on. It's a bit too 'I am woman, hear me roar' for me, and I was embarrassed reading it on the bus. Plus, given that I'm not currently having a breakdown or seeking a breakthrough, it didn't really resonate with me (well, until I got to the middle, when I started to think maybe I could do with a breakthrough too...). Putting all that aside for the time being, if I was a professional woman struggling with questions like, "Is this all there is?", "Why can't I manage better?", or "What do I want to do with the rest of my life?", then I can see it might help. Basically Caprino discusses 12 disempowerment crises, which relate to women's relationship with self, with others, with the world and with higher self. Caprino says she has experienced all 12 crises personally, which to me, suggests she must have been something of a train wreck at various stages. But never fear, she broke through and explains how everyone else can too. Each chapter describes the experience of other women who have been through the particular crisis it is focusing on, therapy-speak on how to identify and get over it, and then a series of action steps and a Breakthrough affirmation (it is a self-help book after all).
Despite the slightly annoying tone, it largely presents common sense, and I think the format would really work for someone feeling overwhelmed and a bit stuck, as it provides a simple way to work through the issues they are facing, perhaps start getting some perspective and move forward towards something better.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing my book, Freya. Giving it a partial "thumbs up" even as one who didn't feel drawn to the book at all, says a good deal. I'm happy to hear that you aren't experiencing professional crisis. (It can feel a bit like a train wreck when it occurs.) If ever it happens, I hope breakthrough comes quickly. All best to you and your readers.
