Friday, July 24, 2009

Dog vs cat people

You know the old dog vs. cat people argument - that you're either one or the other?
Personally I'm a rabbit person (but with definite underlying leanings toward dogs).
Anyway, my mum recounted a conversation she witnessed (and participated in) last week at, of all places, a medical clinic. A woman was raving to another woman about how fantastic Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love was, how life-changing, etc [insert Oprah here]. Until another woman piped up to say she didn't like it. And then my mum told everyone she hated it. Couldn't finish it. Didn't even get out of Italy.
So this got us thinking, is Eat Pray Love the new dichotomy dividing women of a certain age? Is the world now split into women who loved it, and women who wanted to give Elizabeth a good smack and tell her to stop whingeing about having a crap marriage/not wanting kids/lusting after younger men/NOT BEING ABLE TO MEDITATE for heaven's sake and just get on with it?
Could it become a kind of shorthand to find out whether you're going to get along with another woman, or whether your world views will be inconvertibly divergent?
Come on, you can tell me - which side of the Eat Pray Love fence do you sit on?

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