Monday, August 3, 2009

#24. Chocolat: Joanne Harris

Now I realise that I may be one of the last remaining people on the planet not to have either read this book or seen the movie with Juliette Binoche and Johnny Depp, but somehow I managed to completely miss both, up until now.
I loved this book, and its light-hearted whimsy was the perfect antidote to the increasingly depressing tales I have been reading recently. It has such a lovely array of characters, and I enjoyed stepping into the little village of Lansquenet every night with Vianne and her daughter Anouk, and imagining that lovely patissier with its beautiful chocolate delights. But it had just enough conflict and darkness to avoid sickly sweetness.
It also reminded me of the pleasures of fiction for its own sake, unclouded by too much 'worthiness'.

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