Wednesday, April 8, 2009

#13. Small is the new big, and 183 other riffs, rants and remarkable business ideas – Seth Godin

Godin includes a warning at the beginning of this book – not to read it all at once, as it might give you a headache. He's right. As the title suggests, it is a collection of his blog posts and other writings from eight years, about business, the online environment and the world in general. What ties them together is Godin's unique way of turning accepted wisdom on its head and throwing new light on things, but at the same time, making you think, 'Why didn't I think of that before?'
At a time when the business environment has never seemed worse and fear and contraction is the order of the day, Godin provides comfort and inspiration about the possibilities for small business (after all, small is the new big and small businesses can zoom...), and challenges you to make whatever you do remarkable. It's the perfect antidote for all the downturn/recession talk.
As a special bonus, two of Godin's e-books have been included in the book - the one on website design gave me a totally new understanding of what a website is actually meant to do, and his booklet on blogs breaks this new medium down at a functional level, to explain the purpose of different types of blogs, which I found a lot more helpful than the usual hype.
It's the type of book I would want to keep going back to for more inspiration - fortunately, you can get daily updates from his blog for that instead

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