Sunday, April 26, 2009

#16. Prosperity – Arch Angel

OK, so I actually finished this book before the Bloomberg bonanza, but I wasn't sure I was going to post about it (or add it to my reading list) as I was a bit embarrassed that I had read it. But I did, probably because in the current climate, prosperity seems a little thin on the ground, and it had a rather fetching picture of some angel wings on the cover.
The inside cover explains Prosperity as a practical guide to some simple changes you can make to your life to live abundantly. It is written as a series of ten meetings, between 'Arch Angel' (the author) and Ned and Kate, a pair of materially and spiritually bankrupt young people who need a great cosmic kick up the butt to get their lives back on track. Each meeting contains the dialogue between the three, and includes some 'homework' exercises each week for the reader to try at home, which are the same ones the fictional Ned and Kate experiment with, and report on their results.
While it is hopefully twee and cringeworthy some of the time, if you are interested in the whole Secret/quantum physics/abundance 'thing', it actually explains some of the concepts in a more comprehensible way than anything I have read or seen before, and provides a roadmap to introduce them into your life, if you so desire. Whether they work - who knows? What was also refreshing for me is that it does not only focus on material wealth as the expression of prosperity or abundance, but also considers quality of life, spirituality, and your relationship with and contribution to others - which all seems a lot more sound than just being able to "manifest" a parking space next to the entrance of the shopping centre.
Embarrassing confession over. Next up, Carol Shields. Not sure she would take a second look at a self-help book if she fell over it.

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